- 1948
- Founded under name of “Sakae Kenkosho” in Sobue-cho, Nakashima-gun, Aichi.
Commenced surface treatment business.
- 1961
- Constructed Nagoya plant. (the current head office plant)
- 1964
- Reorganized and established “Sakae Riken Kogyo Co., Ltd.”
- 1976
- Constructed Tsushima No.1 plant.
- 1985
- Constructed the administration building in the head office.
- 1988
- Constructed Tsushima No.2 plant.
- 1989
- Established Eakas Corporation.
(Illinois, USA)
- 1990
- Constructed Bisei plant.
- 1994
- Constructed Tsushima No.3 plant.
- 1997
- Agreed technical assistance to Polyplastics. (India)
(Oct. 2016 Technical Assistance Agreement expired)
- 1998
- Constructed Oguchi plant.
Constructed Technical center.
- 2001
- Constructed the painting line for large products in Oguchi plant.
- 2003
- Established Sakae Riken (Wuxi) Technology Co., Ltd. (Jiangsu, China)
Agreed technical assistance to Sipro Plastic Industries. (Malaysia)
- 2004
- Established Eakas Arkansas Corporation.
(Arkansas, USA)
Commenced operation of Eakas Detroit. (Michigan, USA)
- 2006
- Constructed Inazawa plant.
- 2009
- Commenced operation of Kanto office.
- 2010
- Constructed Kitakyushu plant.
Agreed technical assistance to Astra Otoparts. (Indonesia)
- 2011
- Commenced operation of Sakae Riken (Wuxi) Technology Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Office
- 2012
- Established PT. Sakae Riken Indonesia.
Commenced operation of Atsugi office.
- 2013
- Agreed technical assistance to AD Plastik. (Croatia, Russia).
- 2014
- Established Sakae Riken Polyplastics India Pvt.Ltd.
- 2018
- Inazawa Plant adds a second millimeter wave line.
Isesaki Plant completed.